Friday, June 3, 2016

Upward to Acadia

Today is Friday June 4 and tomorrow Jan and I will begin another RV trip.  The trip this year is to Acadia National Park.  This will be our destination for the first 15 days(5 will be driving up).  We had originally planned on leaving yesterday but, Jan fell on Tuesday morning and banged up her knee.  It looks like the healing process has come a long ways since Tuesday afternoon, when she couldn't walk at all. 

Over the last few months I've looked at routes to Acadia over and over in order to find the best one for our RV and tow car.  After speaking with a friend who formerly lived in Maine, the route is now finalized(if nothing else comes up).  I did not like the idea of having New York City and Boston in the middle of the trip.  I've had to drive a small car in Boston and I couldn't imagine driving a 34' RV with a tow there.  They are absolutely crazy drivers.

I know this might be a slight stretch but I am concerned about the language barrier.  They have a tendency to not be too nice to "hillbillies".  I learned this by having a college roommate who was quite disrespectful of southerners and hillbillies.  And when Jan ran Boston the folks made fun of her accent.  I didn't even realize she had one.

We will drive about 300 miles per day for the first 3 days and then when we pass Portland, ME we will slow it down and begin seeing some sites.  After we leave Acadia and start back we will work our way from one destination to another, no plan whatsoever.  Maybe we will come across upper New York and down through Pennsylvania or Ohio.  We will just listen to other RV'ers and see what happens. 

I'll try to be concise but as you are aware I am rather wordy.  So if you get this on an email and you don't want to see it again then delete or put it in your junk file.  There are to be pictures later but I didn't think you would want to see me sitting at a keyboard typing.

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