Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August 15
Drove to Nova Scotia.

Leaving the campground this morning, we got to drive across the Confederation Bridge.  Coming into Prince Edward Island, Whether by ferry or bridge, there is no charge.  The ferry was going to cost $120+ and the bridge $62 to leave the island. No charge to come in; big money to leave! It was a great way to start the morning, eight miles of ocean.       Nova Scotia has had the best roads of the trip.  Even though we had a toll for the main road, it was worth it.  On the other hand Massachusetts is a rip off, paying for terrible roads.  The thing that intrigued me there was that they did not have toll booths.  Every few miles they had cameras set up to read our license plates.  They claim they will be billing us based on the car’s license.  We have no idea how much it will be.  With such poor roads, I should hope the bill is not too much.  Massachusetts is in the past, we are now in Nova Scotia.
Tomorrow, we will drive the Cabot Trail.  We don’t have any idea what to expect.  We are driving this because so many folks have recommended it to us.
One thing we have had difficulty doing is making reservations for future nights.  These Maritime Provinces are really busy with tourists.  So far, we haven’t met any other campers from as far away as we are.

August 16

The day started really early.  Jan had gone to sleep last night at 6:00 and slept until about 4:00 this morning. 
This was a good time for us to arise and get ready for our long trip around the Cabot Trail.  We left at 6:00 and drove about 80 miles to join the “Trail”.  The drive around the “Trail” is 185 miles. 
As we started out the weather was overcast with the sun poking through ever so often.  The first few miles we were in the forest with the coast just out of sight.  I spotted a bald eagle as we headed for upper coast.  There was a lot of road construction along the way, so our drive time was extended.  The construction crews only have so many months a year to get this work done, because of weather.

As we drove along the coast it was interesting to see the mountains go all the way to the ocean.

  A lot of bluffs were at the coast with some nice color.  Turning on the opposite coast it began to rain.  This was not a good mixture with unpaved sections along the way.  One of the sections that was one of the most beautiful was pretty much rained in and hard to see.  However, I still stopped for a photograph.  The rain was intermittent along the way allowing for some nice views.  We stopped at a small coastal village for lunch.  While there, we noticed that it was a French village. 
All signs were in French as the dominate language and subtitled with some English.

After 8 hours we were ready to be back at the RV.  We took a couple of lesser traveled roads to cut off some time getting there.  Success, we were back after 10 hours.

Our overall impression wasn’t as great as we had anticipated.  We felt that Mt. Desert Island (Arcadia) was better.  We made the trip and don’t think there is enough interest to ever try it again.

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