Saturday, August 5, 2017

August 5

Traveling Companions

We have two traveling companions (Chester and Harley), who have helped to entertain us all the way.  On our first day, we didn’t get much more than 10 miles before they were protesting (crying) being in pet carriers.  Jan got up and went back to pet them and make them feel more at home.  After all, they will be with us on the road for the whole trip.  She had one of the cats out in her lap when he tried to get into the other one’s carrier. A light went on our head that maybe we should put them in a carrier together. 
We tried it and the kitties were content.  This has been a great discovery.

One of the advantages/disadvantages in having a small RV is that the fuel tank isn’t very large (25 gallons).  This allows us to have stops every few hours to get fuel and most importantly, let the kitties loose in the RV for leg stretching and bathroom breaks.  So far, this has worked well.  The kitties had only one small altercation on our last leg of travel.  At night they will swap locations around the RV, but they will generally find our bed at sometime during the night and occasionally climb under the cover.  They are such good company and entertainment.  When we arrived at Bass Harbor and were setting up, I left my door open.  Jan let the kitties loose and Harley ever curious found the open door.  We couldn’t get to the door quickly enough, He was outside and into the big bad cruel world.  We instantly located him under our tow car.  Evidently he did not see Jan quickly enough, because she caught him by a leg as he started to bolt.  We (I) have to be more careful.

Morning outing

This morning, on our outing, we drove over to Acadia NP with the hopes of going first to the top of Cadillac Mtn then on the one way road around the park. When arrived we could see the fog on the mountain but, we decided that we would make the trip upward.  Other than seeing the car in front of us and a little bit of the rocks to the side we wasted our time.  On the trip around the park we saw some beautiful coastal views. 
Their coastline is so different from what we have ever seen.  Rocks, rocks and more rocks were what we saw along the water.  The contrast is spectacular. 
Low tide Thunder Hole

From the loop we went into Bar Harbor (Bah Habah) to walk the streets.  To me, the town is like a cosmopolitan Gatlinburg.  I was very disappointed, except in the in the harbor were some beautiful yachts. 
Based on the value of the yachts, I was expecting to meet a Rolls Royce 4 wheeler on the back roads.

In nearly every restaurant, deli and service station there are about 3 dishes.  Lobster (lobstah), lobster rolls and clam chowder.  What I find interesting, is that regardless of the location, the prices are consistent.
Tonight our campground has offered us the opportunity to have a lobster, mussel, and corn on the cob dinner.  We are taking them up on it.  And look forward to it.  Jan doesn’t eat enough to justify getting a full meal so we will share.  She does really enjoy the clam chowder.  And the bite or two she has given me, she may be out ordering me.  Another food that is being sold around here is blueberries.  This is one of my favorites so, tonite we will have blueberry pie for desert.

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